Refund Policy

Thank you for subscribing to our services at This Refund Policy explains the rules regarding subscription cancellation and the refund process. We aim to provide transparent and fair procedures for all our users.

1. Right to Withdraw from the Contract

According to consumer law in Poland, users have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days from the date of the subscription purchase, provided that the digital content has not been commenced. Withdrawal from the contract is only possible if the digital services have not yet been activated.

Refund Process

To withdraw from the contract, please contact us by email at, providing your username and a clear statement of withdrawal from the contract.

2. No Refunds After Activation

Once the delivery of digital content, which the subscription uses, has started, the user loses the right to withdraw from the contract and to a refund. By accepting our terms during purchase, you agree to immediately start accessing digital content and accept that this results in the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract.

3. Subscription Cancellation

The subscription is automatically renewed each month. You may cancel the subscription at any time before the start of the next billing period to avoid charges for the next month.

How to Cancel a Subscription

The subscription can be cancelled by email at or directly through the Stripe payment system in the user panel.

4. Administrator's Right to Cancel

We reserve the right to cancel your subscription at any time if we determine that you have violated one of our regulations, or for other reasons deemed important by us, including the decision that you are not suitable for our community. In such a case, you are not entitled to a refund for the unused subscription period.

After cancellation, the subscription will not be renewed in the next billing cycle, and access to the server will continue until the end of the paid period.

5. Payment Methods

We accept subscription payments made by credit cards. All transactions are securely processed through the Stripe payment system.

6. Contact

If you have any questions regarding subscription cancellation, the refund process, or this Refund Policy, please contact us by email at

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this policy thoroughly to understand your rights and obligations related to our services.