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No Legend in History Ever

Reached to Greatness Alone.


In an age of widespread individualism and isolation, humanity risks losing its moral compass.

The Western world is in the throes of redefining morality and virtues through the lens of leftist narratives of globalists. Day by day, our core values erode, our freedoms fade, and emotions overshadow facts.

We observe all of the above pupate into conformity and our world teetering on the brink of becoming Orwell's dystopia.

We stand opposite...


We are a global community built on values and goals.

Wataha Empire is more than an organization - it's a brotherhood where every member is significant. Together, we aim to improve in all areas of life.

Our mission is to mutually support each other in achieving personal aspirations.

Do you resonate with our ideals?

/01Mentally proud
/02Financially secure
/03Physically strong

We attract people of many different talents and skills.

So we hope you will bring a great value to others as they do to you.

Find a mentor, investor, employer or anyone you need.

Some already did...

I lacked people who could help me with my startup. Here I found a coder and designer who helped me bring my idea to life.


Startup Founder

I'm terrible with organization, but thanks to their guidance and framework, my project finally moves forward and it's incredibly motivatiing.


Startup Founder

It's really encouraging to see so many talented folks giving it their all. It asures me the investments are worth it.


Seed Investor

I'm learning tons here. Every day, I pick up something new from all the amazing people around.



I wanted to gain experience as a back-end developer. Thanks to this community, I found a great project to work on and hopefully, make some money too.



The strength of any pack lies in its weakest link.

We extend an invitation not to all but to those whose values and goals resonate.

Each must continually prove their worth within the pack.

Each must take his life seriously.


Remember, it's up to you what you get out of it.

If you thought you’ll be given access to the community and left alone, you’re wrong.

We expect a lot more of you, and so should you.

Here’s just a few things you should expect of us.


We'll give you structure and guidance to help you achieve your goals. Speed and momentum are key ingredients to success, and we'll help you get there.


You have an idea, or you're looking for a new project to work on. You can find both here. Our organization also grows and evolves, and we're always looking for someone to take the lead on new projects.


You can make money in various ways. Show us your skill and teach others, take leadership in a project, or find a job through our network. We're here to help you make money.


We organize workshops, courses, and seminars led by industry experts in various fields. Do you want to step up your sales game? Or maybe you want to learn how to code? We got you covered.


We organize online and offline meetings, where you can meet other members and learn from each other. Each pack has regular meetings to discuss goals, progress, and challenges.


You probably heard the importance of having a mentor, yet you have no idea how to find one. This community is probably your best bet.


Are you looking for an investor for your startup? Or maybe you want to invest in a promising project? Partner up with other memebrs and find one.


We're partnering with various companies to provide our members with discounts on products and services. Whether you're looking for a product or some service, you can get it cheaper with us.

There is more

Again, what you get out of it is up to you. Join and show us your creativity.

At this point, you know the deal.

If you want change, brotherhood, help - join us.

Here are the next steps you shall take.

Join Discord

We’re on Discord exclusively.

If you don’t have it yet, get it.

If you do - join.

Interview will start immediately in ticket channel with one of us.


We’re not taking everyone in.

In the interview, we’ll ask you questions to evaluate your suitability, skills and get to know you.

If deemed fit, you can expect invitation.


If you’re in the first 25, it’s free forever.

If not, you will have to pay horrendous $12 / month.

No hidden costs.

All we want from you is your input and growth.

Lone Wolf phase

Congratulations, you’re in. Now you’re a lone wolf.

We want you to take that time to learn our ways, participate, meet others and discover your purpose.

Within a month you will have to find it or leave.

Part of a pack

When you’re already familiar and shook some hands, now it’s time to take on some responsibility and become a part of something grater.

Join a pack that needs your help or forge a new one with others.

As a pack you will have to set goals and you will be held accountable for making them come true.

Together you have a purpose, whether it’s creating a platform, starting a political party or making content. We’re there for you as long as you deliver.


What is Wataha Empire?

Wataha Empire is a global community built on shared values and goals, aiming to support its members in personal and professional growth.

Where Wataha Empire is located?

We're a global community, so we don't have a physical location. We operate online, with members from all around the world. We're on Discord. We also organize official online and offline meetings in various locations.

What benefits does Wataha Empire offer?

Members can access a structured framework, job opportunities, educational programs, and mentorship, among other resources to help achieve their goals.

How does the interview process work?

In order to guarantee the quality of the community, we conduct interviews to evaluate the suitability of potential members. We'll ask you about your age, ambitions, goals, skills, past experiences and more. If you're deem fit, you will receive an invitation to join.

What is the Lone Wolf phase?

The Lone Wolf phase is a period for new members to familiarize themselves with the community, meet others, and discover their purpose within Wataha Empire. You should use this time to see if that's something for you, come up with your goals and create your pack or find one and join.

What is a pack in Wataha Empire?

A pack is a group of members working together on a common goal, for e.g. creating a software, with each member held accountable for their contributions and whole pack for the goals set on the beginning. Members of the pack should think about it as a startup. We'll help you organize, answer questions and help as much as we can.

How do I start a pack?

To start a pack, all you need is an idea, ideally a few members to help you but you may find them later on. We'll ask you to fill up a form with description of the activity, clear objectives, and deadlines. It's public, so everyone can get to know about your project and ask you to join your pack. Also, we'll be able to check on you, help you and make sure you're on the right track.

How the affiliate program work?

The affiliate program is a way for you to earn money by promoting Wataha Empire. After filling the form, you'll receive a unique link that you can share with others. If someone signs up using your link, you will receive a commission.